Weekend Notes - Family Time

Is it Friday already?!  Halloween really made the week fly by.  I was busy all week doing last minute Halloween prep and in the middle of it all, I nearly forgot to carve the pumpkins.  And suddenly I find myself in November and still on a sugar rush from October. 

With November we celebrate Thanksgiving.  We stop to give thanks, well all this week I have been thankful.  I am thankful to have power and an undamaged home and that my family is safe and sound.  My heart breaks for everyone who is affected by super storm Sandy.  She left much devastation in her wake and I pray that the lives of everyone who was affected by her wrath will quickly get back to normal.

This weekend will be a time for family.  My oldest daughter has a big social studies project that needs some attention, which really means homework for Mom and Dad.  My nephew will be baptized this weekend and my husband and I have been given the honor of being God parents to this little person.  I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and I hope you take some time to be thankful and take some time to hug someone you love.  Hugs to all of you!


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